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Annual Professional International Exhibition
AAW Gallery of Wood Art
March 3-June 23, 2019
Reception on Friday, March 29, 5-9PM

AAW International Woodturning Symposium
Raleigh Convention Center, Raleigh, North Carolina
July 11-13, 2019


"Every animal leaves traces of what it was, man alone leaves traces of what he created." --Joseph Bronowski

‘Traces’ brings together the work of wood and ceramics studio artists and sculptors around a uniting theme of mystery and revelation. Created in conjunction with the American Association of Woodturners’ annual professional invitational, the exhibition features small scale works that explore the nature of the ‘slightly seen’, whether it is the mark of the chisel or thumb, the evidence of a drought year in tree rings or flame-flashing in the kiln, a reference to a perhaps dimly-perceived time in history, or sketched outlines that evoke more complete forms or memories.

The strong influence of the axis on work created on the lathe and wheel created a shared lexicon of form, but the materials themselves offer far different freedoms and limitations, and many pieces in the exhibition highlight those contrasts and similarities. However, for this show, neither turning nor throwing were required: the requirements were only that all works be 6” x 6” x 6” or smaller, and that they relate to the artist’s conception of ‘traces’.

This will be the 13th in the AAW’s Professional Outreach Program (POP) exhibition series, which features works by both studio turners and sculptors with work in major museums, as well as mid-career and emerging makers. Intentionally gender-inclusive and international, the exhibitions showcase creative thinking and excellence in craftsmanship and innovation to our 16,000 members and the general public.

Traces is the second clay and wood show at the AAW Gallery of Wood Art, following a joint exhibition and workshops a decade ago with the Northern Clay Center, “Open-Closed: Art on the Axis.”

Work shown above (L to R, top to bottom): Ulf Jansson, Sweden; Mark Goudy, California; Benoit Averly, France; Liza Riddle, California; Kailee Bosch, Colorado; Greg White, Pennsylvania; Michael Peterson, California