A Gathering of Spoons II
Selected Spoons from the Collection of Norman Stevens
Although his initial intention was to collect a few dozen examples of contemporary wooden spoons, for American fine craft collector Norman Stevens, that original plan soon expanded to creating a reference “treasury” of almost 300 spoons from all over the globe. Each spoon is carefully documented, and Stevens’ collection has become a valued resource for those studying this increasingly popular art form.
The spoons range from very traditional designs intended for daily use, to use-defying spoons created by contemporary sculptors like Doug Finkel and Kristin LeVier.
Although being explored anew by contemporary artist, spoons have long provided a canvas for artistic expression. “Love spoons,” carved in Northern Europe, Scandinavia and the British Isles were used for courtship for hundreds of years. A young man would put his heart (and competitive spirit) into carving a spoon that represented both his ardor and his abilities as a craftsman – an indicator of his potential for supporting a family. If the young woman accepted the spoon, they were considered betrothed.
A Gathering of Spoons II will be displayed through September 16th.
Above: Standing Spoon by Frank Wright, Lanesboro, Minnesota
Below: Onion spoon by Kristen LeVier, Moscow, Idaho

AAW Gallery of Wood Art | 222 Landmark Center | 75 5th St W | St. Paul, MN 55102 | 651.484.9094